Michigan State Senate
State Government: Agencies/Departments/Divisions | Elected State Legislators
Recent News About Michigan State Senate
MacDonald supports Senate bill for more legislative oversight of Whitmer's emergency powers
Sen. Michael D. MacDonald (R-Macomb) is supportive of a Senate bill that would increase oversight of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's authority during the COVID-19 pandemic and of another measure that creates a bipartisan COVID-19 panel.
Michigan senator says state budget will feel impact from COVID-19
Michigan Sen. Michael MacDonald (R-Macomb County) said the government needs to trim its spending to concentrate funds on the COVID-19 epidemic and prioritize an adequate supply of masks and ventilators.
Sen. MacDonald invites Castiglia to State of the State address
Michigan State Sen. Michael D. MacDonald, R-Macomb Township, invited Eric Castiglia from Sterling Heights to the governor's State of the State address on Jan. 29.
MacDonald presents rare Bible to Library of Michigan, schedules small business roundtable
Sen. Michael D. MacDonald (R-Macomb Township) presented a rare Assyrian Bible to State Librarian Randy Riley on Jan. 22. The Bible was donated by His Grace Mar Paulus Benjamin, diocesan bishop of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East – Diocese of the Eastern USA and will be on display at the Library of Michigan in Lansing.
McDonald votes to fund programs affected by Whitmer's vetoes
State Sen. Michael D. MacDonald (R-Macomb Township) issued a statement after voting to fund programs affected by Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s vetoes.
FBI investigating if attempted voting app hack is linked to University of Michigan course
An ongoing investigation into an attempted 2018 midterm elections hack could lead the FBI to the University of Michigan.
Sen. MacDonald sponsors bill to equip law enforcement, firefighters with auto-injectable epinephrine devices
New legislation from state Sen. Michael D. MacDonald (R-Macomb Township) would allow first responders to carry and administer auto-injectable epinephrine devices, known as EpiPens, in medical emergencies.